This Season's Anime

Just got through watching a bunch of anime from this season. I have included below a one sentence summary of what I've seen of the show (which may only have been one or two episodes), followed by some brief impressions. Take them as you please.

  • Infinite Stratos: A fanservicey show about girls at a school who pilot flying robots, and the one guy that can also pilot the robots. An okay show, initially annoying due to how dense the main character is. Cecilia made me think of Mint from Galaxy Angel, due to her blue color scheme, high-class background, and mech that uses remote controlled bits to allow her to fire from any angle. Also, so far Charlotte is totally the cutest. I'll plan to keep watching it.
  • Yumekui Merry: A guy who has the ability to see when Dream Demons are attempting to enter reality helps a girl with no memories of her past try to return to the world of dreams. There's more to it, but I couldn't figure out how to do it in one sentence. A pretty good show; I recommend it. I will forewarn you that it will make you want donuts.
  • Fractale: Set in the far future, in a world where humans live like nomads and rely on technological dopplegangers to do all the work, a boy with an affinity for old technology meets a priestess on the run and rediscovers the joy of direct human interaction. Not sure where it's going from here, as I've only seen up to the second episode, but it seems interesting. I'll probably watch some more.
  • Level E: An alien crash lands Earth, and asks for help from a guy who just moved into the area. Only seen the first episode, and the character interaction has been pretty funny so far with this show, but I'm not sure I'm going to pursue it any further.
  • Dragon Crisis: A boy gets dragged into helping his older female cousin retrieve a suitcase in which they discover a dragon in the form of a young girl. I've only seen the first episode, so that's all I've got for you. I'm kind of tempted to watch it since the dragon is voiced by Rie Kugimiya, but other than that, I'm just not very excited about it.
  • Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka: A guy, who is a zombie brought back to life by a necromancer girl, ends up also getting involved with a magic clothing girl armed with a chainsaw, and a vampire ninja girl while attempting to discover the serial killer who murdered him. As you might expect from the description, fanservicey, and generally over the top. Not sure where it is going, but not terribly interested.
  • Puella Magi Madoka Magica: In exchange for becoming a magical girl who will fight evil witches that spread misfortune across the world, a magical creature will grant any wish you desire; however, being a magical girl is far harder and sadder than you might imagine. I'm not sure what I think about it. It doesn't really leave me interested in finding out what happens next. Regardless, I'll keep watching it for now and see how it goes.
  • GOSICK: A girl with an extremely sharp intellect who is locked away in a library ends up on adventures with a new student where she finds some intellectual stimulation in solving mysteries for her incompetent half-brother detective. Not a bad show, but a few of the mysteries have been far too straightforward, I would have thought anyone could have solved it. I'm not sure mysteries really are the true point of the series though, and I see it as rather more focused on the relationship of the new student and the very tsundere girl. I do enjoy it so far, so I'm planning to keep watching.
  • Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne: About a guy who with many erotic urges and two girls, one his sister, that totally want to get in his pants but can't, and a third girl who loves BL and has made him her pet. First thing is dang, that's a long title for a show. Next is that it actually got kind of interesting after the first episode. Also, it is fanservicey, but not as much as you might expect. Perhaps the home video release will change that. I'm somewhat interested in seeing what happens, so I'll be watching more of this for now.
  • Rio - Rainbow Gate!: Based on a popular pachinko game character, it seems to be about a dealer girl who befriends a little girl and goes around bringing luck to gamblers and beating people at casino games. At least that's what I got from the first episode. Definitely fanservicey. I might watch one or two more episodes to see if it's going anywhere, but I don't know. Maybe they can make casino games as exciting as eating bread was in Yakitate Japan.


  1. Once again, for those not privy to our conversations...

    From Wikipedia:
    As IS can only be operated by women, the power balance between men and women is broken, with women coming to dominate society over men. ... The peace is shattered, however, by an unexpected discovery. A 15 year old Japanese boy, named Ichika Orimura, is discovered to be capable of operating an IS.

    IT'S DUAL!!!


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