11eyes and New Anime

So I just finished watching 11eyes, and overall, it wasn't really that good. I'm still thinking about playing the game though, seeing as how it looks quite different from the anime, I'm going to guess that it is in fact different, and hopefully interesting and engaging. I'm probably going to pick up the Xbox 360 version.

I've also watched the first episodes of a few shows this season now, being Ladies verses Butlers, Baka to Test to Shoukanjyuu, and Dance in the Vampire Bund. Ladies verses Butlers so far is most definitely a fanservicey show, and Flameheart's incredibly huge drill hair vaguely bothered me initially just by the sheer size. I somewhat got used to it as I watched the episode, but for a short while I was contemplating how much hair you would need to be able to pull off that kind of hair. Nevertheless, it seems like it might be fun to watch, so I'll be keeping up with it for the time being. I like Baka to Test to Shoukanjyuu for the fact that it vaguely addresses the problem I have with the Japanese school system relying too much on testing, but highly I doubt the show will actually address the matter. The school battle/rewards system is interesting, and I appreciate that it provides very tangible rewards for doing well, while simultaneously keeping you on your toes as other classes can challenge you. Will be keeping up with this for the time being as well. As for Dance in the Vampire Bund, I wasn't sure what to think of the first episode really. After reading the basic premise of the show, I think I might have been expecting something different from the first episode, so I really don't know what to think. I'll be giving it a few more episodes though to see where it goes. I was also planning on watching some Ookamikakushi to see how that is, but haven't gotten around to it. I'll probably make a post later.

Finally, the usual video is attached to my post, this time, a rough animation of what might be considered an opening video to Touhou Hisoutensoku. It looks really cool, and I'd really like to see what it would look like if fully and properly animated and colored. Anyway, here it is:



  1. The Japanese is throwing me off!

    I'm downloading the first episodes to a few of the new shows this month (Ookami Kakushi, Sora no Woto, Dance in the Vampire Bund, Seikon no Qwaser, Omamori Miari to be specific) and will give thoughts on those if you want.

    Did you watch any shows that were released towards the end of last year? I've keeping up to date on Kimi No Todoke...it's a girl anime about school life and all. It's pretty sweet and reminds me a lot of Peach Girl. Aoi Bungaku is pretty interesting also. I guess it's based off of a novel? It's something to look into if you haven't already. I'm also keeping up with To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, if only because it's fairly actiony and funny enough. There's some fan service.

    Speaking of fan service in shows, has Alisa shown you that linked I sent to her yet? It's fairly accurate I say and that's a damn shame. I miss the old shows, such as good Gundam and Record of Lodoss War and Berserk. These didn't need panties or cleavage to express their points and become popular, they did it on the merit of their plots. I feel that there's too much over-the-top silliness, absurdly proportioned middle schoolers and naivety.

  2. Sorry about the Japanese, if you'd like me to tone it down, I'll consider it. Anyway, yes, I was keeping up with several shows coming to the end of the year, being Railgun, Umineko, Asura Cryin 2, Kiddy Girl-and, 11eyes and Seikishi Monogatari. Asura Cryin was overall a badass show, and Kiddy Girl-and has improved somewhat from the beginning. I like Railgun, although I've stopped after the first arc at the moment. Umineko was alright, and definitely needs a second season. Seikishi is cool though but it is coming out slowly. As for Kimi No Todoke and Aoi Bungaku, I've heard of them, but I'm not too familiar with them. Since you recommend them, I'll have to see about getting around to them.

    As for fan service in shows, I felt the article sort of indirectly complained about it. It was mainly about how he feels that the anime has gone into a severe decline due to many shows being targeted to niche audiences and the subsidence of the anime boom. Overall, I think he is a little too pessimistic about the current state of the industry and takes a far too negative and simplistic view of current shows and of moé. The industry likely was able to make all these niche shows because there was a boom, and now that there isn't, there will be fewer of them. Although he certainly has some valid points about the industry, I don't think we're worse off just because we have more outright fanservice and because we don't do things the old way anymore. It's true that the level of fanservice shows can get away with has gotten somewhat absurd within the past 6 months or so, but just because of that doesn't mean that there can't be an engaging story behind it. And because we have to rely on computer animation now is saddening in terms of losing an art, but I don't feel it affects the quality of a show. I mean looking back, sure, looking back, we can be nostalgic about how things were hand animated and there were good shows like Beserk and so forth, but in the past, as in the present, there were certainly fanservicey shows, they just took a different form. I'm sure some would have tried to be as fanservicey as now if it were allowable back then. I guess I'll just summarize with that he has some good points, but I don't really agree with his interpretation of the state of the industry.

  3. The link to the article Eric refers to, to those that are interested:


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