Niconico is weird, but still awesome.

You might think that after being on Niconico a long time, you'd get used to all weird things they can come up with. That hasn't happened yet. This video is pretty weird, but somehow great at the same time. For those not so familiar with Touhou mythology, this video is probably about the battle that occured between the native Japanese god Suwako, and the conquering Yamato god Kanako. I have to say I'm not entirely sure why King Ghidorah and Minilla are there too. Also, shakōkidogū and various other traditional Japanese things can be seen fighting. Like I said, awesome, but also weird.

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This other video is also a weird animation thing involving ZUN's artwork, except I'm pretty sure they just manipulated his images instead of really animating them. It's strangely catchy and mesmerizing, so while I'm on the topic of strange and awesome, I figure I'll link this too.

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