Long day before Japan

Today's been a hectic day. After discovering mid-day that the Japan Rail Pass issued to me was not what I had ordered and was for the wrong length of time, I quickly called JTB to get it rectified. They'd exchange it for me, but if I had it delivered, it wouldn't reach me until 2PM tomorrow. Unfortunately, my flight is at 6AM. So I told them I'd get it at their office. Made a rush up to New York City after work, and luckily was able to get my pass exchanged. Wasn't able to catch a train back until 8PM. My plan was once I got back, I'd rush my bags to the airport, check them in, go home, sleep a bit, then go back in the morning to go through security and get on the plane. No such luck. On the train ride back, just 15-20 minutes outside of 30th Street Station, our train hits someone. We are stopped. Luckily they can evacuate onto the next regional train that passes us. Unfortunately, that's an hour later. By the time I get into 30th Street Station, it is no longer feasible for me to make it out the the airport with my bags before the train line to the airport shuts down. Now I'm stuck catching a cab at around 3AM if I want to successfully check my bags before the flight. I've come back to my apartment to do some last bits of cleanup and picking up a last few things for the flight, take a shower, and get going soon after. Looks like no sleep tonight. Hopefully that will be a good thing for getting me through the long flight.


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