Wind Translation

So because a friend brought it up, I remembered that my very old transliteration of the song "Wind" by Megumi Hasegawa (長谷川めぐみ) comes up in a Google search for me. I looked at it, and while there are certainly things I would like to change (actually, I think it's just one thing in particular), for the most part it's good. There just isn't too much to mess up in a transliteration. Anyway, being unsatisfied with the translation that a friend of mine tried to make for it (to be fair, it was his first translation, and song translation is hard), I thought I'd give it a shot myself, now that my Japanese level has improved considerably over the years. It's not a straight literal translation, as I took a few minor liberties that I felt conveyed both the meaning and feeling of the words better. Anyway, you can find both the original lyrics and my translation below:

My Tranlsation:
Somewhere in this blue sky, there is someone I meet suddenly.
The summer sun shines down brightly.

Being shaken by the streetcar, escaping the never-changing city.
The unchanging seasons are carried by the wind.

I'll never forget what it's like to be in love.
Even an insignificant promise is a treasure to me.

Even if the memories of those days become distant,
they will never fade from my heart.

When my lips part, an overflowing melody
streams through the window. The road goes on.

Because of things like wanting too much
or words being inadequate, lovers will always face trials.

How about you and me? Would you say our hearts are lost
and we hurt each other over everyday things?

I want to grab hold of the important things.
Catch it all in a lightly floating cloud!

When I blow softly into my pocket harmonica,
my heart is suddenly pained.

With tears down my cheeks, I overcome my sadness.
Together, I want to reflect the sunset in our eyes.

My feelings live on, because someday, surely, we'll meet again.

Original Japanese Lyrics:
この青い空のどこかに 突然出会う人がいる

路面電車に揺られてく 変わらない街を抜けて
変わらない季節 風が運んでく


私の胸の中 色褪せない

窓を流れていく 道は続いてる

何かを求めすぎてたり 言葉が足りなかったために

あなたと私はどうかな 心は迷子になって
なにげないことで 傷つけあうかな

ぽっかりと浮かぶ雲 そのすべて受け止めて

ポケットのハモニカ そっと息を吹くと

涙が頬伝い 悲しみを乗り越え
ふたりで夕暮れを 瞳にうつしたい

想い続けている いつの日かきっとあえるから


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