Kami-sama Dolls

Started watching Kami-sama Dolls (神様ドォルズ) last night and am basically caught up now. I like it. I was amused that the moment I saw Aki, I thought: "It's Accelerator", and I've been more or less right. Utao is really cute; I bet I would tease her like Kyouhei does since she's so cute. I don't understand how most of Hibino's clothing clings perfectly to the underside of her breasts. I blame danbooru and their "impossible_clothing" tag for making me even notice such things. And mikos? Mikos are awesome. Moyako is awesome. I'm glad to see even after they've left the village she will be around. And her sister wears an orange hakama. I'm not sure I have ever seen an orange hakama before. That was weird. And the opening is pretty cool and the songs for the opening and ending are both Chiaki Ishikawa goodness. I'd give a YouTube link, but all the ones I've found there have had their audio made crappy so YouTube won't take it down for copyright infringement.


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