Bayside Shakedown THE MOVIE 3!

I'm sure this is old news for some people, considering the announcement was made at the end of March, but I just found out there's going to be Odoru Daisousasen (aka Bayside Shakedown) THE MOVIE 3! Apparently filming is to start sometime in the spring of 2010, and the movie is planned to come out in the fall of 2010. Which means it won't be out by the next time I go to Japan. Damn. Still, great news, looking forward to it coming out. Not sure what it's going to be like, since the in story cast has already split up, and Ikariya Chousuke is no longer around to reprise his role as Waku. At the same time though, they could probably just have it that Waku finally retired, like he'd been saying he was going to do for the whole series. Regardless, I'm sure it'll be awesome Wangan comedy police drama, and it'll be cool to see Aoshima come back (which I assume is occuring).


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