New Monitor

So, after many years of using the same LCD screen, I finally decided to upgrade. I finally get to try working with a badass dual monitor setup at home now. Yay! I've always wanted to dedicate my old LCD to portrait mode. It's good too that my new monitor supports HDCP and has HDMI in, so now I can finally use my PS3 at HD quality and watch Blu-rays and so forth. Comparing my new screen to my old one, I can certainly see that monitor technology has improved over the past 6-7 years. Either that, or my old monitor has worn down considerably. Probably both.

My setup with my new monitor. Totally badass (at least for me).

Anyway, that was yesterday. Today, I stopped at Kinokuniya and picked up the December Megami Magazine, and ordered the January ゲーマガ (Gamer Magazine). Perhaps I will report on those sometime later.


  1. I demand a breakdown of the December Megami! Also your old monitor is clearly cooler.

  2. Damn, that's a huuuge monitor! - Alisa


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