I just found out they're going to have a series of "The IDOLM@STER SPECIAL LIVE" concerts in Japanese PlayStation Home! It'll feature Haruka, Yukiho and Chihaya and will run from 1/29 20:00 to 2/8 16:00 Japan time. That converts to Jan 29, 6:00AM EST to Feb 8, 2:00AM EST. Accessing the concert can be done through an iDOLM@STER vending machine placed in Home Square. I have posted the concert schedule below, converted to Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5).

  • Jan 29: 6:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00PM
  • Jan 30: 6:00AM, 8:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00PM
  • Jan 31: 6:00AM, 8:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00PM
  • Feb 01: 6:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00PM
  • Feb 02: 6:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00PM
  • Feb 03: 6:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00PM
  • Feb 04: 6:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00PM
  • Feb 05: 6:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00PM
  • Feb 06: 6:00AM, 8:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00PM
  • Feb 07: 6:00AM

In addition, each show will be reshown twice.

  • The 6:00AM will be reshown at 4:00PM and 1:00AM later that day.
  • The 8:00AM will be reshown at 5:00PM and 2:00AM later that day.
  • The 10:00AM will be reshown at 6:00PM and 3:00AM later that day.
  • The 12:00AM will be reshown at 7:00PM and 4:00AM later that day.

UPDATE (January 29, 2010):

Things to do during the concert:

At times during the concert, a heart will be displayed in the upper right quadrant of the screen. When this occurs, use R1 to select either 拍手する (Applaud)  or 応援する (Cheer) , and the heart will grow with the number of people doing this. The heart size will affect the performance.

The following actions cause different things to be displayed depending on idol's items you are wearing. I will list them in the form X/Y/Z where X is what is displayed when wearing Haruka's items, Y is displayed when wearing Chihaya's items, and Z is displayed when wearing Yukiho's items. You can only wear the items if your avatar is male.

Those with the cheering headband on, if you
丁寧なおじぎ (Flourish):
敬礼する (Salute):
ターン (Spin):
アビール (Pose):

Those with the cheering Happi coat on, if you 手を振る (Wave), then an image will be displayed in a circle with a 春 in a Star/Crescent Moon with Stars/Snow Man.

Using any of the sets of 3 glowsticks (red/blue/white), if you
イエイ (Yeah!):
ガンポーズ (Guns):
指差す (Point):
テレる (Shy):

If you have on the full cheering goods set, if you
両手を振る (Over Here!):
投げキッス (Blow Kiss):

UPDATE 2 (February 06, 2010):

For the shows on February 7th, 1AM and 2AM are the last Yukiho shows, while all remaining shows are 765 Production shows. The last show is at 6AM on February 7th! There may be rebroadcasts of the last show, but you won't know when unless you go to the last show, so be sure to go! Remember that all times are in Eastern Standard Time, and to show up to the concert 15 minutes early to be sure it properly loads for you.

FINAL UPDATE (February 07, 2010):

It seems the rebroadcasts of the final show will be at the expected 4PM and 1AM. They were having problems with the amount of people this morning, so it was a two hour delay before the concert got started. Hopefully they won't have that problem for the rebroadcasts. Do be sure to go though, as you get a completely different item than at any of the other concerts, and it's pretty nice. Also, if you hang around a bit after the concert is over, a countdown will start for an Extra Live at the next hour. You need to leave the concert lounge and come back and hope the countdown reappears; if so you're set, and you can sit back and wait for the Extra Live!


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