When I made this blog, although I named it "Hakurei Shrine", I actually thought that Touhou posts would be somewhat rarer. Posting stuff here though made me realize that a lot of the stuff I look at on Niconico now is Touhou related. Anyway, for the sake of my friends more interested in IDOLM@STER than Touhou, today's post focuses entirely on IDOLM@STER videos. Yes, some still are Touhou influenced, but they're definitely good. With that out of the way, the videos are provided below!

【ニコニコ動画】[高画質版] アイマス×東方アレンジ 美希『緋色月下、狂咲ノ絶』似非PV

【ニコニコ動画】【アイドルマスター】 inferno PV 【雪歩/千早】

【ニコニコ動画】アイドルマスター×らき☆すた - 雪歩 寝・逃・げでリセット! PV風R2

【ニコニコ動画】アイドルマスター 春香×さくら(丹下桜)『10th anniversary』

【ニコニコ動画】アイドルマスター手描きMAD「シビれさせたのは 誰?」




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