Japan 2010, Day 14

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Arnond and I both made our way to the IDOLM@STER machines in the morning and tried to get ourselves satisfactory Producer and Unit cards, but I messed up my producer name twice and decided to just try again the next day. I did a bunch of shopping, and then we headed to my host family’s house for dinner that night. We met up with Chris at Nishinomiya-Kitaguchi station around 6:30PM, and then went to my host family’s house.

Some new greenery in Nishinomiya-Kitaguchi station

I met their new exchange student, Ryan, and a couple of his friends. Both Ryan and one of his friends were from UIUC, and the third was from Canada. I got the feeling that Ryan was vaguely making fun of us and otaku in general during dinner, but I decided to not pay it much mind. I had a good time, and I probably interacted more with Reiko than I had ever done while I was living there. After dinner, Justin brought Chris, Arnond, and I to a Japanese plum wine bar that was cool, and I had a bit to drink and socialized with the people there for a bit. Then Arnond and I had to leave or we would be unable to take the train back to get to our hotel. We got back safely and I went to bed after I packed up stuff for the next day.


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