Japan 2010, Day 11

Monday, March 22, 2010

This day, I decided to take my time in going since I didn’t want to stand in line for as long to enter, and I knew I wouldn’t be going early enough to be able to get in before a lot of big groups sold out. I showed up at the line at around 10:30, and apparently, so did Arnond. The line had spilled over already to the second Cosplay Area, since of course no one could get in until the event started at 11:00. It didn’t take too long for the line to move after the event started, and we were led to the first Cosplay Area, where I had waited the day before. I got in at about 12:30, and as I predicted, the popular places were all sold out. I wandered around for a while, picked up a few books, and found some interesting stuff in the travel section that I picked up. I met up properly with Arnond today at the Cosplay Area for our lunches, and I hung around the area to take pictures of cosplayers.

Some Gintama cosplayers

I got a few pictures of Chris, and it was really neat to see him being asked by Japanese people for his picture. He even got a line at one point of people that wanted his picture, and it turned into a wall of people taking pictures. One girl said he was “cool”. Another girl wanted a picture with him, which Chris got them to let me take a picture as well.

Chris, still popular with the chicks

Anyway, it was good fun. I unfortunately missed out on a good Ino as well as some Tales of Vesperia cosplayers from earlier in the day. When that was over, Chris and I caught a train back to Tokyo to try to make it to a anime creators event in Shinjuku. Arnond was delayed and caught the train after us. We tried to do tickets at the door for the event, but failed, so Chris and I walked around the area a bit before heading back to the hotel.

IDOLM@STER players might recognize this location

While we were there, we had ramen at this awesome place in Kabuki-cho, although  I seem to have not photographed it, nor do I remember its name. Also, while we were walking around, Arnond was at the hotel, and had some trouble checking into the hotel, where the hotel apparently could not find our reservation number, and he almost reserved an entirely different room. Luckily, the problem was sorted out and they found our reservation, and all was well.


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