Japan 2010, Day 16

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Chris and I got up kinda late, since we both wanted a little more sleep, and Arnond dropped by before heading out. He actually hung around for a while as I was prepping to go and Chris was doing laundry, even though we told him he should go ahead without us. He finally relented about going on his own and left. I left not too long after, but came back since I forgot my coat and money. By that point, Chris was about ready to go, so we left for the fair together and picked up train tickets to the airport for tomorrow. We tried the “back by popular demand” Texas Burger at McDonalds for lunch, and didn’t find it that great. We then went into the fair, and began walking around the trade show. As to be expected, there were flyers galore, and official booth cosplayers.

Booth babe for SATELIGHT

It seemed showing off anime on 3D televisions was a big thing this year, with several booths doing that. I was able to get some free custom stickers from the GONZO booth, which had apparently revived itself, and I passed on getting the special Saki pack they were selling. I picked up a Neko Jump CD from the SATELIGHT booth, and saw part of their stage performance later in the day. I also picked up an official guidebook, more as a commemorative thing, as I didn’t open it once while I was there. Arnond left before me as he had finished looking around, and after I finished up, I also left. I dropped off stuff at the hotel, and Chris called up asking where we were. I told him I was meeting up with Arnond for dinner at AKIBA ICHI, and so he asked us to wait, which we did. I tried to find the place I’d heard had some kind of huge 20cm thick burger there, but to no avail. We settled on a curry place, and then Arnond and I rushed off to do some last minute shopping before Akiba closed. Afterwards, we met up and went to karaoke, although it seemed we should have come earlier, as there was a 40 minute wait.

Chris with Pikachu while we waited for Arnond to meet up with us for karaoke

We got in about an hour of singing before we had to catch the train back to our hotel, and then we spent a good amount of time trying to pack all our stuff so we could leave Japan tomorrow. As I had predicted, my portable scale came quite in handy for properly packing all the bags so they would not be overweight.


  1. I didn't think the Big Texas Burger wasn't good, but it certainly wasn't a Big Hawaiian Burger. Thanks a lot, Arnond...

  2. I never said it wasn't good, I just said we didn't think it was that great. Perhaps it would have been better said that we were unimpressed?


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